Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Favorites, part 1.

I know for a fact that my favorite images aren't always the client's favorite images, and I think that's because of the different experiences of photographer and subject. The pictures that make my heart race with excitement generally have to do with reaching a goal, pushing my limits, or trying something new. In an effort to engage my readers and let my past, present and future clients get an idea of my true style, I want to share my favorites. These aren't all technically perfect, the lighting wasn't always perfect nor was it likely an image that stood out to anyone else. These are the pictures that inspire a sense of pride in me for personal reasons. So check back often. My goal is to share 100+ photos (some previously unpublicized) in increments of 5. These are in no specific order. I will also give a brief artist's statement for each image. Please enjoy getting to know me and my work a little better. If you see one (or two) of your images here, I invite you to comment and let me know your experiences of the shot and whether or not it was one of your top pics.

This was one of the last images taken at Wendy and Pat's wedding in 2006. I love this picture not only because of the expression on the bride and her friend's faces, but because I can remember how loud the music was blasting and that I was dancing while I took the shot.

This is one of my very early images. Katrina and John were wonderful to work with, and even taking this non-traditional ring shot was a major step for me. I was elated when I processed it; I had captured it just the way I wanted to, and I was really proud of that!

Like parents with their children, photographers don't pick favorite clients. But at the very top of my list is Megan. She was an incredibly beautiful bride, inside and out. Although she had a bright and cheerful personality, I fell in love with this photo because it captured a brief moment of introspection in the mirror. Her peace and quiet here is just so honest.

Another shot from Megan and Jason's wedding. You might not be able to see it in a copy this small, but the marks and scars on Jason's hands are very visible in this photo. I loved the juxtaposition of Jason's hard working mechanic's hands against Megan's pristine white dress. What a perfect description of them as people!

Delight, Tom and I had such a wonderful time during their engagement session. Their fun loving attitude gave me the courage to ask them to do a "fun" and off-the-wall shot, which I normally wouldn't ask for. This is progress, people! I think finding success as a photographer will mean overcoming my fears and just going for it. This photo is the first step in that direction.

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